Hotel Venue
Room discounts
Hotel Discount Rates for Baychata festival is now available. Please click below to book your rooms!

shuttle service
Lobby Lounge & Bar
Located in the hotel lobby and overlooking the pool, the Lobby Lounge serves a variety of spirits as well a light fare menu. Don’t miss your favorite sporting events on one of their 6 televisions.

Featured amenities

A map to the hotel is provided. Click on view larger map for directions from your current location. Recommendations on airport selection and shuttle/uber rides are shown below.
Closest Airport to the hotel is San Jose International Airport (SJC). Free shuttle is provided directly from SJC to Double Tree Hilton San Jose.
If SJC is not available, next recommended airport is SFO International airport.
Transportation from SJC airport to hotel is 5 minutes available via shuttle or Uber.
Distance from SFO to hotel is approximately 45 minutes.